ESTIA has become an ISAE Group partner

The Izarbel-based engineering school has joined a group which federates five engineering schools specialized in the aeronautical and aerospace engineering sectors. The goal is to extend the reach of these schools and meet the needs of the sector’s business professionals.
The ISAE Group was founded in 2011 by the National Institute for Aeronautics and Space (today called ISAE-SUPAERO) in Toulouse. The ISAE Group brings together five French aeronautical and aerospace engineering schools under a common banner: Toulouse-based ISAE-SUPAERO, Poitiers-based ISAE-ENSMA, Saint Ouen-based SUPMECA, ESTACA in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines & Laval, and the École de l’Air in Salon-de-Provence. These five schools welcome 6,000 students annually and award some 1,600 diplomas.
The Institute for Advanced Industrial Technology (ESTIA) in Bidart officially joined the ISAE Group, as a partner school, on May 16, 2019. With 5 engineering level courses and 16 specialised master’s degree programmes, the ISAE Group offers an unrivalled range of aeronautical and aerospace engineering training, which has now been enhanced by the competencies taught at ESTIA. By joining this group, ESTIA will share its goal of promoting engineering courses, master’s and specialised master’s degree courses and as well as PhD courses in the aeronautical and aerospace sectors.