New update and name for the Tips application

The mobile app that allows you to recommend and share addresses using your smartphone address book is changing, implementing a different business model, and changing its name to Fider.
Located at the ESTIA incubator in the Izarbel Technology Park since September 2015, Iban Duvivier developed the Tips app. Its role is to share relevant addresses (mechanics, plumbers, restaurants, etc.) with contacts, but also to recommend them and ask for additional information. Tips was initially presented as a co-operative private directory made up of selected addresses, sorted and reviewed by friends and contacts.
The idea was to develop partnerships with businesses in order to cover the operating costs. “The new Fider application works following the same principles as Tips, but offers new improvements like geotracking for searches, or a map mode that allows you to display addresses more easily,” explains Iban Duvivier.
While the Fider app retains the same working principles for its users, its I.T. development has been reviewed, and its business model refined. “It is now a peer-to-peer marketing system that is offered to businesses through promotional coupons that they can distribute among prospective clients in their geographical area or to users they wish to reward for having recommended them.
The business model based on the distribution of coupons through the application had already been planned for Tips, but did not yet physically exist. Fider will set this offer in motion and make these coupons available quickly. “The coupons amplify and reward referrals” explains Iban Duvivier.
“Fider’s true innovation lies in its system to measure the various recommendations made by business ambassadors, and to automatically reward the most active ones with special offers. This system of measurement, engagement and rewarding endorsements for businesses has no equivalent on the market,” he adds.
The Fider application is now available on Android and iOS devices (the overwhelming majority of smartphones) and Iban Duvivier is developing a platform for professionals to help them manage this marketing tool.
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