[Translate to English:] « Option innovation » pour les collégiens et lycéens à Izarbel et Technocité

The sixth year of this event for school students will take place from 12 to 16 October in France. 400 innovative locations will welcome young people and in the Pays Basque, ESTIA (Institute of Advanced Industrial Technologies) will be offering demonstrations on technical platforms on 15 October.
Option Innovation is offering students from Years 10 to 13 the opportunity to discover, either from their classroom or during visits with their teachers, over 400 innovative locations: business incubators, accelerators, fablabs, co-working spaces, third places, start-ups, SMEs and intermediate businesses.
The objective is to introduce them to professional realities as well as to offer information to the teachers on sectors undergoing major changes. For innovative businesses, this is a way of inspiring vocations. ‘Option Innovation’ will take the form of interactive meetings, demonstrations and hands-on workshops.
The ESTIA School of Engineering established on the Bidart science park will host school students on Thursday 15 October from 11 am to 11.30 then from 3.30 pm to 5 pm. Demonstrations will be organised on the technological platforms of Izarbel as well as those of Technocité in Bayonne (Compositadour).
ESTIA contact: Stivie Bouzenade – s.bouzenadeestia.fr -05 59 4384 82
For further information: https://www.optioninnovation.org