10 June 2020
Resumption of training for business incubators in the Pays Basque

The training and conference workshops proposed to incubator businesses residents on the territory are starting up again. The next dates are 16 June on management and 25 June on intellectual property.
The Communauté Pays Basque is resuming its annual training programme for some dozen resident incubators on its territory. These training workshops and free long-distance conferences require prior registration. The next two dates are:
- Tuesday 16 June from 10.30 am to 12.00 noon, a workshop entitled ‘Promoting cooperation and motivating your partners and colleagues in the long term. How to be a leader in 2020?’ will be led by Maylis Mege from the Skillabagency. Note that this training workshop is prepared in advance with an online questionnaire continued by another online questionnaire and by a collaborative exercise.
- Thursday 25 June from 10.00 to 11.00, a web conference on the protection of intellectual property with emphasis on brand protection led by Hélène Gros of the French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). The conference will be followed by a question and answer session.
- for more info and to register: b.epiardcommunaute-paysbasque.fr
16 June 2020