Second job dating at the Wild Code School

The Wild Code School, which trains IT developers in three or five months is inviting recruiters on Friday 7 September to the Izarbel park, where it has been located since early 2018.
After a first class of eight developers, trained from April to June 2018 in Izarbel, a second class of eleven trainees were trained from June to September. Set up in the framework of a POEC (operational preparation for employment) funded by the French employment agency, Pôle Emploi, and the FAFIEC (engineering and consultancy training fund), this second session focuses on the IT language React/JS.
These eleven developers will be available as of 20 September. In this framework, the Wild Code School is offering recruiters the opportunity to meet the developers on Friday 7 September. Trained through an innovative teaching method, these developers use, in particular, Agile methods for project management and current professional collaborative tools. The eleven developers will notably be presenting their projects developed for companies during a demonstration evening on 19 September.
Registration and information: Sophie Lalanne - - +33(0)7 76 38 22 32
For more information about Wild Code School: