Second Job Dating Event for the Basque Country Digital Cluster

This second recruitment event, organized in partnership with Pôle Emploi, is being held at the Izarbel Technology Park and is reserved for members of the Basque Country Digital Cluster.
The job dating event in Izarbel on 16 October is intended to assist companies in the digital technology sector in their recruiting efforts. The human resources campaign for member companies of the Basque Country Digital Cluster was organized by preselecting jobseekers who are likely to be of interest to companies in the digital sector. The goal is to allow business leaders and recruiters to meet with jobseekers for individual interviews lasting one hour. A similar job dating gathering organized before the summer allowed six companies to meet with roughly thirty jobseekers pre-selected by Pôle Emploi. As a partner of the event, Pôle Emploi also provides companies with information on hiring subsidies.
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