The 3D Apps project is now live

Developed by Jean-Marc Cieutat and his team of three engineers, the 3D Apps project has come to life with the introduction of a scanner to produce three-dimensional digital building plans.
A former professor-researcher at ESTIA, Jean-Marc Cieutat is a renowned specialist in simultaneous localisation and mapping technologies. These technologies can be applied in particular to programme the movements of a robot or drone, equipped with scanners and sensors to build maps and drawings independently.
By moving to the ESTIA incubator in April 2016 to launch the 3D Apps project, Jean-Marc Cieutat hoped to improve current 2D and 3D digitalisation technologies. His aim was to produce digital models in the BIM (Building Information Model) format used by construction professionals: surveyors, architects, construction industry groups, stakeholders in the property business, and regional authorities.
The 3D Apps project is now live, with the introduction of a scanner and innovative SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) algorithms and computational geometry making it possible to reconstruct, after implementing various processes, a digital model. ‘The scanner pivots on itself to capture the whole space (walls, floor, and ceiling) primarily to capture a dense and comprehensive array of points accurate to the nearest centimetre. You can hold it to operate it manually or place it on the mat of a mobile robot. The robot can work independently or in remote control mode’, explains Jean-Marc Cieutat.
From now on, the 3D Apps project will make it possible to produce digital 3D building models for professional use. ‘You can see the array of points forming on the ground in real-time. Next, a mesh is created from the array of points and it is all made available on the internet to create an environment dedicated to BIM: point array, mesh, semantic database’, adds Jean-Marc Cieutat, who is launching an information and marketing campaign for his project including the tools and IT applications.