Strategic support offered to SMEs to cope with the crisis

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region is offering contributions of several days by expert consultants to support the strategic reflections of regional industrial businesses and promote their rebound in the face of the crisis.
Entirely financed by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, these individual and bespoke missions by experts, of 5 to 8 days’ duration, are offered to SMEs in Nouvelle-Aquitaine with from 50 to 249 employees in the sectors of industry, industry services and agribusiness. Applications for this ‘SME Rebound’ support can de submitted up to 01/09/2021.
The objective is to support businesses whose activity will be affected in the long term by the economic crisis linked to the Covid-19 epidemic. The contribution of expert consultants will help analyse the impact of COVID-19 on their business activity and business model, identify available resources as well as risks and opportunities, prioritise redeployment levers, draw up and launch a short-term action plan based on one or two levers to unlock value.
Information and applications: