A new coordinator for the Basque Country Digital Cluster

Neela Tibayrench has joined the cluster which groups together digital companies in the Basque Country and the Pays de l’Adour. Her mission is to coordinate the action implemented by the Cluster which has some fifty member companies. Neela Tibayrenc took up the position in May, her goal is to strengthen the action implemented by the Basque Country’s Digital Cluster, structured around five main themes: business development, communication, employee training, talent recruitment, and mutualised service sharing. The Basque Country Digital Cluster is managed by a board of company owners, chaired by Marie Jo Burucoa (Novaldi), it groups together some fifty member companies and represents almost 1, 000 employees in the Basque Country and the Pays de l’Adour.
Neela Tibayrenc is a doctor in pharmacy and holds a master’s degree in marketing management from ESSEC, she worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years. She held a marketing role but was also in charge of key accounts and then carried out missions of digital communication, events project management, commercial audits and business development. “I am extremely honoured to be able to participate to the influence conveyed by our high added value companies, through the Basque Country Digital Cluster, which must, to my mind, be an essential player for accelerating the development of companies in the region’s digital sector.” She stated upon her arrival at Izarbel where the Basque Country Digital Cluster is based.
Website: http://www.pays-basque-digital.fr