Addimadour has joined the regional additive manufacturing sector

The Technocité Platform has joined five other platforms in Occitania and Nouvelle-Aquitaine who are also specialised in 3D metal printing within AddimAlliance, to develop the region’s additive manufacturing sector.
Under the impetus of Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster, a partnership agreement was signed on 15 October 2019, between the representatives of the six platforms specialised in this new technology: Addimadour based at Technocité in Bayonne, the Clément Ader Institute in Toulouse, FuturProd at I2M in Bordeaux, the IRT Saint-Exupéry in Toulouse, Prod3D at the University of Montpellier and CEF3D at the National Engineering School of Tarbes.
The aim of the partnership is to federate and coordinate technical and human resources and pool operations, research and investment programmes in the field of metal additive manufacturing. By promoting their skills and equipment, the six platforms hope to meet the expectations of manufacturers better, SMEs, mid-caps and the design offices of large corporations.
AddimAlliance now brings together over 100 researchers, engineers and technicians of which a third are PhD or post-doc students and twelve 3D metal printing machines using different technologies. By mutualising these resources, their ambition is to create a major hub for research, industrial transfer and training for metal additive manufacturing in France and in Europe.
About Addimadour
The Addimadour innovation platform, inaugurated in spring 2017 is a major player in the Basque Country Technology Park’s ecosystem. The Addimadour platform is based in an 800 square metre building provided by Cré@ticité, a mixed economy company. It boasts machines which make it possible to manufacture metal parts from 3D-designed models.