Call for projects in the field of air mobility

The defence innovation cluster CI-AILE is launching a call for skills and contributions to help resolve the needs expressed by units of the Ministry of the Armed Forces in the field of air mobility.
Created last December by the Directorate General of Armaments, the CI-AILE cluster aims to encourage innovations in the area of air mobility, especially in parachuting and landing from aircraft, aircraft boarding coupled with troop and freight transport, as well as equipment for the combatant.
This cluster was created in association with four regional partners: the Directorate General of Armaments, the Army, the ‘Institut supérieur de l’aéronautique et de l’espace’ (ISAE-SUPAERO) and the defence community of the Aerospace Valley hub in the regions of Occitanie and Nouvelle Aquitaine.
The CI-AILE defence innovation cluster is launching a call for skills and contributions with the aim of identifying people and organisations likely to provide or devise a solution to meet needs expressed by units of the Ministry of the Armed Forces in the field of air mobility.
Twelve themes have been selected according to the requirements stated by the operational forces:
- Measures on textiles
- Automatic parachute opening without mechanical link to the aircraft
- Installation of smooth helicopter hold and protection of the occupants
- System for Wind measurement
- Predictive maintenance of parachutes
- ‘Secure’ wifi distributor for laptop computer
- Long Distance autoguided package
- Remote control for autoguided package
- Reliable system of windshielding
- Vehicle docking
- Help with localisation
- Help with transport of equipment
Responses accepted up to 12 June 2020.
For more information:à-manifestation-dintérêt-cluster-dinnovation-–-aéromobilite-interventions-largage