Cold spray technology comes to Technocité

Kometa Technologies has moved on to the Technocité Technology Park to develop its innovative high-impact coating deposition method, which is halfway between metallisation and additive manufacturing.
Established in April 2018 by Vincent Perin, Kometa Technologies will begin operations this summer. In a 100 m2 workshop within the Addimadour technology platform, Vincent Perin has installed two machines, one of which uses the cold spray technique – a cold metallisation process, whereby metallic powders are projected at extremely high speeds to create new components or repair existing ones.
“Few sites in France have this technology,” explains Vincent Perin. “Cold spraying uses kinetic energy to create the metal coating, unlike other procedures, which use fusion.” This innovative procedure has myriad applications in terms of repair, maintenance and manufacture of parts and mechanical sub-assemblies.
Vincent Perin is aiming to work for the big players in the aeronautical and energy sectors, with “the ambition of going from R&D services into industrial production”. Negotiations are already underway on initial contracts. Kometa Technologies employs two full-time technicians (Vincent Perin and Matthieu Lagarde) and its services complete the offering of the Addimadour technology platform.