The Basque Country’s “Territoires d'industrie” programme was launched at Technocité

“Communauté Pays Basque” is among one of the 136 French territories accredited by the State as spearheads for the re-industrialisation of territories. The business generator at Technocité in Bayonne hosted the plenary launch of “Territoire d’Industrie en Pays Basque” on May 16, 2019.
The official launch of the “Territoires d'industrie” programme took place during the National Industrial Council on November 22, 2018. The latter aims to develop the 136 industrial territories in France which will benefit from 1.36 billion Euros dedicated to projects built in collaboration with manufacturers in each of the territories in question.
The 136 territories are groupings of municipalities located all over France; they all have strong identities and exceptional industrial know-how. “Communauté Pays Basque” has been certified “Territoires d'industrie” and as such, must present a global, cross-cutting project which is representative of the area’s industries. Human, financial, administrative and technical resources are provided by the State, and its operators will later be engaged to implement the project.
Steering of the Region/Groupings of municipalities/Manufacturers
The approach is intended to be decentralised and bottom-up. This governmental project is steered by Regions and groupings of municipalities and must be represented locally in each territory by two people, one of them an elected member of the town council and the other a manufacturer. For “Communauté Pays Basque”, Sylvie Durruty, Vice-president of “Communauté Pays Basque” in charge of economy, innovation and sectors of excellence, and Mikel Charritton, co-manager of the Lauak Group, are the project managers. A steering committee made up of 10 manufacturers from the area is also involved in its governance.
On May 16, 2019, the plenary launch of “Territoires d’Industrie en Pays Basque” was organised at the Business Generator at Technocité in Bayonne. The set-up, method, those involved and also examples of certified actions in other industrial areas were presented. In the Basque Country, the manufacturers interested in this project will be invited to participate in five workshops on May 29, 2019 at the Business Generator in Technocité, with the aim of developing a project for the autumn and signing a contract with the State in December.
Contact Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque:
Mathilde Garcia-