The Basque Country Regions of Industry programme unveiled at Technocité on 18th September

During a plenary conference on 18th September held at the Technocité site in Bayonne, the areas of interest and actions of this project were introduced. The project was planned by manufacturers in the region in partnership with the Basque Country Urban Authority.
The Basque Country is one of the 141 French regions recently named “Regions of Industry” by the French government. These regions will receive support for any actions they undertake which help aid their reindustrialisation. Following the plenary launch conference last May at Technocité, which presented the approach, facilitation method, method for defining the regional project, representatives, and examples of accredited actions, the plenary conference on 18th September introduced the regional project developed in the Basque Country.
In order to build a project that was global, transversal and representative of the region’s industry, thematic workshops were organised between May and July. These workshops brought together manufacturers and development partners and discussed four key topics:
- Attracting, training and keeping talent in the region
- Improving industry competitiveness, especially in the digital and robotics sectors
- Distributed and collaborative industry
- Responsible industry: accelerating the environmental and energy transition
The workshops allowed attendees to identify which actions approved by the Basque Country Urban Authority, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the French government and its operators should be implemented. The structure of the project, its areas of interest, and the actions identified by the manufacturers were revealed on 18th September. Three main ideas had already been announced before the plenary conference: grassroots projects, collective and individual support, and structural investments.
Sign up for the plenary conference, held on 18th September at 5pm at Bayonne Technocité: