Let’s talk about thermoplastic composites

“Thermoplastic composites in the aeronautics industry: what market for SMEs?”, this is the topic of the event organised by the Aerospace Valley cluster, in partnership with Coriolis and Estia on 17 June, at Estia 3 in Bidart and Technocité in Bayonne.
Thermoplastic composites are a hot topic... But what does the market actually look like? What short- or medium-term opportunities are there for SMEs? What type of investment is required and where can support be found? All of these questions are answered during the event organised by the Aerospace Valley cluster in partnership with Coriolis and Estia on 17 June, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at Estia 3 in Bidart and the Technocité technology cluster in Bayonne.
To inform companies and people interested in the thermoplastic composite market, the event will include:
- time dedicated to information on the market: constructors and, especially, tier 1 companies. PMEs having taken the leap will provide feedback on their experience.
- B2B meetings organised in advance with potential clients, with a view to delving into the topic in a confidential environment and developing skills.
- an exhibition area to meet research centres, process suppliers, institutional actors, etc.
The programme in more detail
At the ESTIA 3 site, Izarbel, Allée Faust-d'Elhuyard, in Bidart
9:30-9:45 a.m.: overview of the market - (JEC Composites)
9:45-10:00 a.m.: Map of the thermoplastic sector in France (GIE ALBATROS/GIFAS)
10:00-11:45 a.m.: Testimonials from SMEs having invested in thermoplastics: Pika Composites-Aéro
10:00-10:15 a.m.: SOMOCAP
10:15-10:30 a.m. and AVIACOMP 10:30-10:45 a.m..
10:45 - 11:45 a.m.: Round table hosted by F. GLOWACZ with primary contractors giving their opinions on thermoplastic demand in the short- and medium-term. Participants: Aircraft manufacturers: DASSAULT, AIRBUS. Tier 1: STELIA, DAHER. System supplier: LIEBHERR. Other sectors: ARIANE GROUP
12:00 - 12:15 p.m.: After a short Q&A session, presentation of calls for thermoplastic projects (CleanSky, H2020, etc.) - Aerospace Valley cluster
12:15 - 12:30: Conclusions and thermoplastic perspectives for SMEs - JEC
At the Technocité site, 9 Rue Pierre-Georges Latecoere, in Bayonne
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.: pre-programmed B2B meets interspersed with a visit from demonstrators of manufacturing processes developed in workshops (Compositadour and Addimadour sites). With Daher, Stelia, Dassault, Liebherr, Nexteam, Ratier Figeac (Collins), Ariane Group, Safran, etc.
Stands/Marketplace: opportunity to visit stands while waiting for B2B meetings
• R&T: IRT Saint-Exupery
• R&T: CANOE/ARKEMA/Aquitaine Chimie Durable
• material suppliers: TORAY
• Financier: TOTAL Développement
• SME/ETI (intermediate-sized enterprises): SOMOCAP, LYNXTER, RESCOLL
Additional information and registration on the Aerospace Valley website.