Lynxter launches its production at Technocité

The machine-tool for additive manufacturing by material deposition, the S600D, developed by the company Lynxter, will be produced in a workshop at Technocité in Bayonne.
Located since last September at Technocité in Bayonne, Julien Duhalde, Karim Sinno and Thomas Batigne, graduates of the Tarbes National Engineering School, developed a project for a machine-tool for additive manufacturing by material deposition. Named S600D, this industrial machine provides high versatility in terms of materials, thanks to its modularity (thermoplastic, silicon, etc.) and promises a high level of dynamism through its open approach.
‘We launched it officially in early June at the 3D Print fair in Lyon, and it was very well received. We had lots of positive feedback from major groups, laboratories and distributors’, Thomas Batigne tells us. Several orders were placed during this fair and the Addimadour platform will be one of the first to receive the equipment. To complete the team, in order to produce the machines, recruitment took place in July and three positions will be filled this autumn.
‘We are leaving our offices in the Technocité business incubator to move into workshop no°4 in the same building. These premises of 210 m² with office space will house the design office and administrative and sales departments, in addition to a vast workshop where we will set up production units to manufacture some fifteen machines this year’, Thomas Batigne explains.
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