Discussion morning on space data for businesses

Held at the Aerocampus Aquitaine in Latresne (Gironde) on Tuesday 24 April, this discussion morning will explore the added value of space data and the opportunities it represents for companies in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
Essential in monitoring climate change, building intelligent transport for the future and making agriculture more ecological, Earth observation data can also be used by businesses in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
In order to present these opportunities, the Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster, the TOPOS Aquitaine cluster for intelligent mobility and the Aerocampus site which is specialised in training for the aeronautics and space sectors are organising this discussion morning on Tuesday 24 April at Aerocampus Aquitaine.
- 9am-9.15am: Introduction
- 9.15am-9.45am: Round table, Presentation of the Booster NOVA
- 9.45am-10.30am: Round table, Space data and big data, an asset to boost the competitiveness of companies
- 11am-12pm: Round table, Space data at the service of ecological transition in Nouvelle-Aquitaine
- 12.30pm-2pm: Networking lunch
Programme details and registration (free but required):
18 April 2018