A seminar on growth acceleration strategies at Technocité

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Development and Innovation Agency and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Chamber of Commerce are organising a "scale-up" seminar to strengthen the growth acceleration strategies of young innovative companies. This seminar will take place on the morning of 29th November at the Technocité Technology Park.
This seminar is aimed at managers of growing companies who wish to scale up and develop internationally. Leaders of regional acceleration support systems (Up Grade, SIRENA, ADI-NA) will present ways to tackle the four challenges of radical scale change: human resources, access to infrastructure (especially key accounts), access to finance, access to the market (especially international). Organised by the Nouvelle-Aquitqine Development and Innovation Agency (ADI-NA) and the CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine, members of the Enterprise Europe Network, this free seminar will also provide an opportunity to exchange and network with experts around the subject.
Schedule and registration: https://www.entreprise-europe-sud-ouest.fr/content/events/?SelEventID=1191#1191