Eco-Friendly Sports Platform

At Créaluz in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Fanny Champlon has launched the development of a platform called Why? To bring together eco-friendly athletes, brands and initiatives.

"The vocation of made-nature is to keep athletes updated on eco-friendly sports and make environmentally-friendly products available to them. Although the site was launched a year and a half ago, the marketplace has just gone online," said Fanny Champlon. Since early March, the sports business and digital marketing expert has been working at the Créaluz business incubator & prototyping workshop of the Basque Country Community in Saint-Jean-de-Luz.

Open since this autumn in the Jalday area, Créaluz is a 1500-square-meter building devoted to supporting eco-design project sponsors, in particular in the field of surfing, boating and water sports. Créaluz also offers a 200-square-meter rapid prototyping workshop, including several rooms dedicated to 3D-printing, electronic systems prototyping, cutting, assembling and machining rigid materials, work on light and heavy textiles, as well as a photo and video studio.

"I moved to Créaluz to join this eco-system and launch the online marketplace. In a second phase, I intend to study the design of eco-innovative products in partnership with brands. Créaluz's facilities are ideal since state-of-the-art equipment is available," Fanny Champlon added.

In addition to the online shop offering eco-friendly clothing and equipment, the website has a blog that offers information about the environment and new labels in the sports industry, tips on well-being, health and nutrition, ideas for eco-friendly travel, sports and actions as well as news on eco-friendly initiatives.


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