2021 call for Innovation Workshop projects is launched

The Innovation Workshop call for projects has become a leading driver of innovation in the Basque Country. It supports innovation projects throughout the Communauté Pays Basque territory, whether they involve a process, a procedure, a usage or a new product, implemented in economic, social, societal or environmental fields. The innovations may also be of varying intensity (disruptive, incremental or a blend).
For this 9th edition - the 2nd on a regional scale - the Communauté Pays Basque will rely on the support of the Basque Country Technopole and of its partners: BPI France and ESTIA Entreprendre for the selection of the winners.
150,000 euros for innovation
The overall allocation of 150,000 euros is renewed. It will be awarded to several innovative companies with less than 20 employees based in the Basque Country.
They will benefit from monitoring by the Technopole Pays Basque team, depending on the project.
In 2020, six winners received €25,000 each: Abyssa, Arrosia, Elqano, Laia, Gaido Lab and Sodium Cycles.
How the Innovation Workshop works
Companies are chosen on the basis of specific criteria by a selection panel: degree of innovation, response to market demand, capacity to market or export the project, potential impact of the innovative product on local development, sustainability and resources committed to research and development (partnerships with laboratories or technological resource centres, hosting of Master's level trainees or doctoral students, intellectual property policy).
The Communauté Pays Basque is open to all types of projects that are genuinely innovative and meet the defined criteria.
The period during which companies can apply began on 18 August and will continue until midnight on 8 October. Details of how to respond to the call for projects are available in the documents that can be downloaded below or via the following link: https://entreprendre.communaute-paysbasque.fr/entreprendre/financer/les-appels-a-projet