I-SITE certification of excellence awarded in full to UPPA
Left to right: - Pierre Chabasse, Director General of Services (UPPA) - Christophe Derail, Vice-President of Partnership and Innovation (UPPA) - Laurent Bordes, President of the University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour - Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Executive Director of the I-SITE E2S UPPA - Isabelle Baraille, Vice-President of Research (UPPA)
The University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour saw its project ‘Solutions for Energy and the Environment (E2S)’ given full certification. It will receive an allocation of over 5 million euros.
I-SITE certification of excellence has now been fully and definitively awarded to this project. The University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour - UPPA – is one of the eight latest French universities to see its excellence initiatives certified in this definitive manner.
Over 5 million euros per year will be allocated to UPPA for its work.
You may remember that the University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour received I-SITE (Initiatives in Science-Innovation-Territories-Economy) certification in 2017 for its project ‘Solutions for Energy and the Environment (E2S). At that time, this certification involved a four-year probationary period, which was evaluated at the end of 2021. Now that this certification has become permanent, as of last March, the University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour has joined the 17 French universities with ISITE and IDEX certification to receive a total of over € 300 million per year.
Research consortiums
E2S is founded on a high-level research consortium along with three national bodies (INRAe, INRIA and CNRS) and strong support from regional and local authorities to advance knowledge in energy and environmental transition and to create a close partnership with regional businesses. These may access the UPPA Tech instrumental Centre, which has some technical platforms that are unique in France or Europe.
Did you know? These initiatives for excellence, launched in 2010, aimed to create world-ranking hubs of higher education and research.