UPPA winner of the “European Universities” call for proposals

Through its “UNITA - Universitas Montium” project, the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour is teaming up with five European universities. It will benefit from support from the European Union for three years.
It’s a cooperation project that seeks to create closer ties between six universities located in regions that are in part rural, mountainous, cross-border and all speaking a Romance language. Going by the name “UNITA - Universitas Montium”, it groups the UPPA, the University of Turin (Italy) which is the project coordinator, and the Universities of Savoie Mont Blanc (France), Beira Interior (Portugal), Zaragoza (Spain) and Timişoara (Romania). This union brings together more than 165,000 students and 13,000 members of staff.
This project aims to work on a new model for an integrated European university centred on three common features: ecosystems with similar challenges, promotion of Romance languages as shared academic languages, and common areas of strategic focus (cultural heritage, renewable energy and the circular economy). This project will benefit from a funding envelope granted as part of the Erasmus+ programme and a top-up from the Horizon 2020 programme.
Project website: http://univ-unita.eu