A call for eco-innovation projects

The Pays Basque Community launched a call for eco-innovation projects to support companies wanting to launch their ecological transition. It has a budget of 50,000 euros. Applications are open until 30 July.
The Pays Basque Community’s economic policy aims to support the productive economy by taking account of ecological and energy transition issues.
To this end, it has launched its 2021 call for Eco-innovation projects to provide financial and engineering support to microenterprises and SMEs that want to:
- Design innovative, responsible and sustainable products and services;
- Develop their production methods in an environmentally friendly way;
- Rework their strategy based on a positive impact economic model.
Applying companies must provide an environmental assessment and an analysis of the proposed solution’s economic competitiveness.
Applications are open until midnight on 30 July. They must be sent by email to: crealuztechnopole-paysbasque.fr
Information, payment and application file: https://entreprendre.communaute-paysbasque.fr/entreprendre/financer/les-appels-a-projet
11 June 2021