Special job dating for industry’s professions

An original type of encounter has been organised between some fifteen industrial companies and several local temp agencies with around fifty job seekers invited by Pôle Emploi (the Job Centre) and Mission Locale Avenir Jeunes (Young Futures Local Mission). The format is very original: the meeting starts with a job dating session involving ten or so businesses in the sectors of agribusiness, the leather industry, aeronautics and plastics processing (1), including Technoflex, Bioluz, Celsa, Lauak...
This will then be followed by twenty-minute workshops introducing participants to Basque pelota, as the event will be held at the Trinquet Moderne in Bayonne.
To end this unique meeting, there will be a talk entitled “Get your applicants to come (back)”, dealing with industry’s power to attract people.
Practical info
This event devoted to the professions of industry will take place at the Trinquet Moderne in Bayonne, on Thursday 7 July from 3.30 pm to 7 pm.
On the programme:
3.30 pm – 7 pm: job dating
3.30 pm to 6 pm: Basque pelota workshops
5 pm: talk entitled “Get your applicants to come (back)”
Interested job seekers may register with the Pôle Emploi: Agnieska Niedwiecka on 05 59 74 82 69
More info from the Communauté Pays Basque: D.Félix 06 68 65 39 33
Did you know?
This meeting on the professions of industry, organised by the temp agency ABL, has the following as its partners: Pôle Emploi (the Job Centre), the Mission Locale Avenir Jeunes (Young Futures Local Mission), as well as Technopole Pays Basque and the UIMM Adour Atlantique, as part of the Territoire d’industries Pays Basque programme.